Logo, Colucci & Umans

"Unsurpassed Excellence and Value Protecting Intellectual Property"
                                                                                                                -Forbes Click Here

Providing Reliable Legal Advise



• Trademarks


Fashion Law


Internet Law

IP Mergers and Acquisitions

Mediation And Alternative Dispute Resolution




Representative Cases




Guiding Businesses Through The Design Patent Process

After investing time, energy and resources to create a new design for a product, protecting the right to make, use and sell that product is critical to the success of a business. At Colucci & Umans, we help clients nationwide and internationally navigate the complex patent process.

Our attorneys have more than 150 years of collective intellectual property experience working with businesses in a wide range of industries, from new solo entrepreneurs to well-known international corporations. We understand what it takes to succeed in a competitive industry, and we bring that experience to our clients, while providing representation and advice tailored to their businesses and goals.

At Colucci & Umans, we regularly provide the following patent-related services:

  • Advising on patentability
  • Conducting a search of existing patents
  • Filing and prosecuting applications for patents
  • Appealing patent decisions
  • Litigating patent infringement claims
  • Negotiating and drafting ownership agreements
  • Managing global patent portfolios

A Patent Law Firm With Fashion Law Experience Serving Clients Worldwide

We frequently work with clients in the fashion industry, advising them on the impact of patents on their business. Often, designers and retailers are looking to protect their innovations with patents, and we will advise them on the patentability of their products and guide them through the process of obtaining and enforcing a patent.

In other cases, designers and retailers are looking to compete in the industry by following trends, and they need to navigate the patent rights of others. Our lawyers often consult on the right to use new products and processes, helping clients avoid legal problems in the future.

To schedule a free consultation with experienced nationwide and international intellectual property lawyers contact us at 212-935-5700.